Names of mourners who attended Keith's service

Created by Cliff Bradley & Sons 8 days ago
Names of the mourners who attended the funeral service
of the late Keith Simpson Lackenby
Family members who followed the cortege
Stuart Lackenby & Lisa Clarke
Reverend Lorna Valentine (also one of the officiating ministers) & Mark Valentine
Judith & John Humphries (representing Philip & Vicki Humphries)
Louise Butler (representing Lillian Butler)
Suzanne Sawyers
Officiating Ministers
Reverend Debbie Caulk
Reverend Paul Braisdell
Other attendees
Carton Bradley (Funeral Director)
Stephen Bilton (organist)
Cliff Bradley (representing Julie Bradley)
Mike Childs
Enid Burrell (representing Ann English)
Janet Talbot
Paul Brown (representing Sue Brown)
Tim & Sheila Smith
Toke Enstone
Joan Sanger (representing Betty Fields)
David & Elaine Tattersall
Elaine Harrison (representing Chapeltown Methodist Church)
Judy McDonald
Ed & Wendy Brown
Dennis & Doreen Lockwood
Reverend David Hunter
Reverend Jonathan Gichaara
Neil Murgatroyd
Ipsa Biana
Margaret Holmes (representing Lea Methodist Church)
Reverend Michael Chester
Kathryn Burnage
Colin & Sue Parrish
Jan McQueen
Katey Brown (representing Louise Blanchard)
Donald & Joan Reasbeck (Doncaster)
Gill Samuel
R. Taylor & E. Taylor
Andrew Maxfield (Sheffield District Methodist Minister Housing Association)
Sarah & Joe Hoyes
Caroline & Sylvia Cammack
Timothy Dewdney (representing the Fens Circuit)
Rob & Gill Jowers
Pat Gray (representing Philip Holmes)
Reverend Andrew Hollins
Stephanie Field (representing the North Bedford Circuit)
David & Emma Miller & Dawn Baker
Brian Atherton
Christine Melligan
Jenny Emery
Amy Holmes
Alan Powell
Nicola Golland
Christopher & Joan Smithson
Jane Bingham
Donna Thomas
Mr & Mrs Phillip Randall
Mrs Ann Gray
Mark Bennett